Noon To Nine

The 2022 recording sessions have been dubbed the Noon To Nine Sessions, in which Maki Supa and Producer Shai Saadia complete a single song from recording to mix in a single nine hour session. This process has resulted in focused sessions in which ideas are rapidly tried out and discarded so as to quickly “crack” the song, resulting in four songs completed so far, all with completely different sounds, styles and deliveries, but always with Gerber’s bedrock infectious melodies and evocative lyrics – Somewhere In Bretagne, released August 30, 2022, Inspirational Song #12, and the What Kind Of Day Has It Been, released December 1, 2022, and Ocean Style, scheduled for release in January 2023.

Released August 30, 2022.
Words, Lyrics and Vocals by Yoav Gerber
Produced, Mixed, and Everything Elsed by Shai Saadia.
Recorded at Risotto Studios.
This was the last song recorded of the trio, and the first one released. We were actually planning on recording a song with the working title of “Piece Of String”, which is an experimental track I’ve had kicking around for years, which is basically just a verse chorus which are repeated at increasing tempos. I think it sounds really cool, but upon hearing it live in the studio Shai thought the increasing tempos did not work, and thought the song worked well enough on a fixed tempo, but I didnt think the track had enough oomph without them. So I begrudgingly pulled out Somewhere In Bretagne, which had no name (thats just an autocorrect error that I thought sounded cool so I left in), no lyrics, and most importantly, no comprehensible structure. Somehow it ended up working. Click to stream or download.

Released October 21, 2022.
Words, Lyrics and Vocals by Yoav Gerber
Produced, Mixed, and Everything Elsed by Shai Saadia.
Recorded at Risotto Studios.
The second song recorded in the project, and the second to be released, finds me in a combative mood, thumping a string of cliches along to an incessant beat layered with an expertly distorted electric piano, and reaching an extremely satisfying climax. Cliches can be fun, I discovered, especially when you scream them out at the top of your lungs. And I did.
This was written years ago as a live-gig ending song, which I saw as the second coming of Queen’s We Are The Champions. And yes, I totally want this to be screamed out at sports events. The song’s climax features something like 10 separate vocal tracks, and of course, a very prominent homage to R.E.M. (hint: all 3 songs feature such an homage, but if you didnt pick up on this one, you aint finding the rest), which I obviously think is the best part of the song. Click to stream or download.

Released December 1, 2022.
Words, Lyrics and Vocals by Yoav Gerber
Produced, Mixed, and Everything Elsed by Shai Saadia.
Recorded at Risotto Studios.
Not quite sure where this kind of dance-pop EDM sound came from, but I assure you its me. The main synth riff was originally a pleasant little piano riff I used on one of my amateurish home recordings of this song (thank God for producers), which is available online if you care to look it.
The title is “borrowed” from season-ending episodes in pretty much every one of Aaron Sorkin’s shows, which I love. to be honest, I loved this phrase from the first time I saw it, in The West Wing, and didnt feel comfortable ripping it off like that, but when I saw that he used the same phrase in each of his shows, I concluded that if he can steal from himself, so can I. After all, as Sorkin himself quoted Wilde on the West Wing, “good writers borrow from each other, great writers steal”. Click to stream or download.